Thursday 27 January 2011

'The Cult' full movie treatment

1)  Camera pans in on window of classroom, teacher talks to class about Planned camping trip. Camera focuses on individual students building up their characters. Students are put into two groups for the trip (group 1: Terrance: Bully, Thomas: Nerdy outcast, Lizzie: Popular – Terrance’s girlfriend, Richard, Beth, Tiffany: Lizzie’s friend/follower Group 2: Robert: Thomas’ only friend Francis: Goth stereotype Milo: Class Clown Stacy: innocent, vulnerable and stupid Katie: ‘Chav’ stereotype John)
 The bell rings – kids stumble out of classroom, Thomas accidently bumps into Terrance – Terrance holds Thomas by the collar up against the wall, and threatens him not to come near him on the camping trip.
2)  Trip to site – on bus – last three minutes of journey. Terrance tampers with Thomas’ diary on the coach. Lizzie witnesses, concerned facial expression, says nothing.
3)  Bus stops, everyone exits – Beth (overweight outcast) struggles to get off the bus – Terrance nudges her in attempt to push her off the bus – Milo offensively jokes about the incident.
4)  Cut to boiling pan of baked beans – slowly pans away to reveal teachers in conversation. Mr. Rogers concerned about location of trip. Mr. Wright and Mr. Mason reassure him that things will turn out just fine in a sinister, slightly disturbing manner.
5)  Kids settle in their groups and begin to explore the woods. Focusing on group 1 – Thomas looks at his vandalized diary, Lizzie advices him not to pay attention Terrance, Awkward silence, Terrance shouts for her, she goes to him.
6)  Whilst exploring the surroundings – Thomas finds mysterious sign carvings on trees. He hears rustling in the bushes – scared, Thomas searches for what the sound was – relieved, Thomas discovers an innocent dog playing in the bushes. Thomas opens his diary to find a drawing that he made previously that is identical to the symbol on the tree.
7)   Group 2 also explore the surroundings and find a slaughtered Deer marked with the same symbol that Thomas had found on the deer stomach. A knife lying next to it
8)    The two groups arrive at a meeting point – The discovery by group 2 is explained to group 1 – Thomas says nothing about his discovery. Teachers assure the kids that all is all right and it was a result of a hunting trip of some sort.
9)   Cut to a group of adults in a dark secluded room all dressed in white uniforms - wearing masks - One man shouts at another about being more careful when killing in the woods  
                 10)   Back at the camp – The teachers report that they are dealing with the “Hunters” and that all students must stay in the camp area until all is sorted. Teachers leave
          Thomas is left out whilst the rest of the students are eating breakfast the next day, and decides to go for a walk – when he gets lost in the woods he panics and starts to shout for help, no one comes for his rescue. He then discovers an animal like shape in the woods, as he walks closer to investigate he sees that this shape is in fact a human body and it is Mr. Rogers, dead, with the same symbol carved into his stomach. Before Thomas can even begin to think about what to do or even scream for help a hand is wrapped around his face groping him away.
     11)                  Lizzie announces that Thomas, Tiffany and Richard are missing – the others ignore her.
      12)                  Richard and tiffany are shown alone in the woods making out. A silhouette of an arm holding a strangely large knife, which kills Richard with an instant – Tiffany screams and is then immediately also stabbed, but not killed. A quick cut to reveal the killer’s face to be a frightening, unnatural Thomas – eyes wide and chilling, staring and glaring. Thomas makes Tiffany watch as he carves a slightly inaccurate symbol on his stomach. As Thomas slowly creeps towards Tiffany to kill her, she uses her perfume to blind Thomas and then pulls his legs to trip him onto the floor and then runs. 
       13) After about a minute of running and screaming, two large men in cult white uniforms knock out Tiffany. This incident occurred very close to where the rest of the students were settled, and so they heard Tiffany scream, however they are very drunk and having a lot of fun, thereby mistaking this scream for Tiffany and Thomas having sex. Terrance and John decide to go out to the forest to surprise the lovers and prank them. However he soon discovers Tiffany Dying on the floor, with a carving of the same symbol as they had witnessed on the deer. Before Tiffany dies, she manages to say, “There is something out there” in a slow incomprehensible slur.
      14)                  The students decide to separate into their original groups and are both given a walkie-talkie. Group 1 seem extremely petrified, whereas Group 2 seem to take things in a calmer way, and decide to sit down for a break. Katie (Chav stereotype) insults Francis (Goth Stereotype) about her appearance. Francis runs off into the woods, crying. Cut back to the group, as Robert is concerned about her disappearing alone. Quick cut showing Francis dead hung by her neck on a tree. 
     15)                  Milo insists that everyone chills out about Francis leaving and that everything is going to be all right. A fire is set up and Milo offers his group weed to relax. They all enjoy themselves, laughing and joking, smoking and eating. Milo gets particularly ‘stoned’ and wonders off into the woods.
     16)                   Katie feels bad for Francis and decides to go out to the woods to find her and apologize – the rest of the group tell Katie that they are going to carry on ahead and she will find them back at the camp later on.
       17)                   The camera follows Francis as she searches for Francis.
      18)                  All students have disappeared except for Terrance and Milo – Milo insists that the woods are haunted – Terrance ignorantly does not believe and thinks that Milo is being stupid, “Calm down, this is not The Evil Dead man, just a stupid school camping trip”  
      19)                  After wondering the woods for a while Terrance and Milo bump into Robert, asking him where everyone is, Robert does not know. “They’ve all just gone”
      20)                  Terrance, Milo and Robert join together to find their friends. They soon find a dead animal with a note stuck to it saying “YOUR NEXT” underneath he note, the threesome find a familiar symbol. They all panic and run – it is pitch black. They soon find a deserted cabin. Terrance suggests going in. Robert smartly insists that they check it out first by looking in through the window – they do to find all their living classmates hung up by rope looking very beat-up. Turning around they find themselves surrounded by men dressed in white cult uniforms eerily walking towards them, getting closer and closer. They panic and run – they separate and keep running and hiding.
      21)                   Cut to inside of cabin where two men in cult uniforms tease and torture the hung up students. Becoming hot one of the men takes off his mask to reveal one of the teachers.
      22)                  Students manage to distract the two cult members and escape – only 2/5 of the students escape alive, Lizzy and Stacy.  
      23)                  Cult capture the two girls and kill Stacy – struggle with Lizzy – Lizzy escapes.
      24)                  Stacy finds Terrance and Robert together they walk away and discuss what has been happening. After a while of walking they find Milo’s dead body hung from a tree with the cult’s symbol carved into his stomach. Lizzy cries Terrance puts his arm around her in comfort – a long sharp weapon then stabs Terrance in the back and comes out of his stomach. Lizzy screams – Milo tries to defend her by attempting to attack the masked cult member – he is killed. Only Lizzy is left facing the man in white petrified look on her face. Man in uniform raises his weapon to kill Lizzy – stops very near her heart. Puts the weapon down and unveils himself to be Thomas – crying. Thomas runs up to Lizzy hugs her, holding her tight, crying screaming that he is sorry. Lizzy still crying finds a knife in Thomas’s pocket and stabs him in the back to his death.
       25)                  Lizzy runs crying hard until she finds the camping site – she rummages through the teachers bags to find a working walkie talkie – she turns on the walkie talkie, to eventually get a police radio wave where she manages to explain the situation briefly. The police arrive to the forest Lizzy is taken into the ambulance car. The police however find nothing in the cabin or in the whole forest. The cult still lives.
       26)                  THE END

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