Saturday 12 February 2011


Final Girl Theory
Final Girl theory is typically a Horror film conjecture, where the last woman or girl is kept alive in order to challenge the killer. Seemingly also the one who remains alive to tell the story. This theory is recognized in mainstream films such as, "Halloween", "Nightmare on Elms Street" and "Scream". This theory originated by Carol J. Clover, who wrote, "Men, Women and Chainsaws", where she explains that the viewer first shares the perspective of the killer, however then undergoes a change of outlook as he/she begins to identify with the typically virginal, final girl.

Male Gaze theory
Laura Mulvey identifies the Male Gaze theory in sympathy with the Laconian statement that "Woman is a symptom of man". This theory occurs when the audience is put in the viewpoint of a heterosexual man. Mulvey argues that Male Gaze, where a film might show sexual scenes, concentrating on the female body, is precedent to the Female Gaze. This feminist view is incorporated in many horror films, such as "Carrie" and "The Shining".

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